Day 02 - A song that helps you clear your head

Day 01 - A song that makes you happy
Music Challenge 2.0

You can be the greatest

Ska möta upp KU 13:30 på centralen så fram tills dess ska jag dunka musik och fixa mig. Hoppas alla får en fin vårdag idag :)

Same old one

Was ist das?
Måste uppdatera bloggen för att tänka på annat, sitter i skolan på historielektion och kollar på någon film, tror den heter Schindler's list eller något. Hur som helst så är det lunch snart, tror inte det är någon god mat men vi får överleva ändå. Började en diet idag också, får se hur länge det håller. Ska ju börja springa och sånt också. Alicia vill köpa iPods till oss som vi ska ha och typ ut och springa några dagar i veckan. Jag ska köpa nya löpartights, en klänning till konfirmationen, gröna kortet och kanske något mer denna månad. Annars är jag ju pank... Det är inte bra..
Ångrar förresten att jag inte köpte en keps på Justins konsert, så mycket mer värt än en tröja men men :) <3 här är förövrigt en bild på tyska mark som vi fick se idag. Onödiga sedlar var dem men fy vad coola

Don't step on my kangaroo

D "B" Day !


30. A song that reminds you of yourself
But I've been thinking baby that you should know (oh oh yeah eh uh)
Hey hey baby can we compromise I really want you to be mine
I've got a million places that we could go (o, oh yeah uh)
I wanna be your everything,
I want to be the one you need
So tell me where ya been all my life,
Gonna make you mine tonight
Hey baby you, you got what I need
But you say you're just a friend
Yeah you say you're just a friend
Hey hey baby we've been on the phone
Spending time together alone,
But every time we talk the words don't come out right
Oh oh, yeah e uh
Hey hey baby when I look in your eyes
I can tell that you're holding something inside
I've been thinking bout you you you
I've been thinking bout me me me
I wanna be your everything,
I wanna be the one you need
So tell me where ya been all my life,
Gonna make you mine tonight
Hey baby you, you got what I need
But you say you're just a friend
Yeah you say you're just a friend
[Flo Rida:]
In carol city spent most of my nights,
Tryna make the world whistle
It's a hell of a life
How I made them all get low
Bring it back right around
Let the good times roll feeling good right now
But I remember Biz Markie
1989 or maybe 90,
Came to me like a song I wrote,
Cutting class
Chasing you 'cause you're all I want
Like you, you got what I need,
And if not I'll just pretend
Until I can get your friend
I'm playing though
But maybe there's a little truth sprinkle in 'em,
We be catching eyes and I can see the twinkle in 'em
Thought we'd be together until I seen the wrinkle in 'em
But I guess not
Hey baby you, you got what I need
But you say you're just a friend
Yeah you say you're just a friend
Farligt nära nu då !
29. A song that you remember from your childhood
You’re my lover
You’re my secret passion and I have no other
You’re Delicious
So Capricious
If I find out you don’t want me I’ll be vicious
Say you love me
and you’ll have me
In your arms forever and I won’t forget it
Say you miss me
Come and kiss me
Take me up to heaven and you won’t regret it
You are the one
You’re my number one
The only treasure I’ll ever have
You are the one
You’re my number one
Anything for you ’cause you’re the one I love
You re my lover
You’re my secret passion and I have no other
You’re a fire
and desire
When I kiss your lips, you know, you take me higher
You’re addiction
my conviction
You’re my passion, my relief, my crucifixion
Never leave me
And believe me
You will be the sun into my raining season
Never leave me
And believe me
In my empty life you’ll be the only reason
Kill em slowly
Godmorgon :)
Jag klev upp för en liten stund sen och ska precis fixa mig inför skolan. Hade sjukaste drömmarna inatt också så är hur trött som helst !
Igår efter skolan shoppade jag liiiiite till inför konserten, nya shorts och skosnören! Sen köpte jag även en tröja som jag ska ha på mig idag :) lär fota den sen ^^
Jag kommer försöka uppdatera bloggen mycket idag och även om jag kanske inte gör typ 20 inlägg idag så ska jag försöka ;)

28. A song by an artist with a voice you love
Lately I've been thinkin',
Thinkin' bout what we had,
I know it was hard,
It was all that we knew, yeah
Have you been drinkin'
To take all the pain away?
I wish that I could give you what you deserve...
'Cause nothing can ever,
Ever replace you.
Nothing can make me feel like you do, yeah.
You know there's no one
I can relate to.
And know we won't find a love that's so true...
There's nothing like us,
There's nothing like you and me,
Together through the storm.
There's nothing like us,
There's nothing like you and me,
Together, oh
I gave you everything, baby,
Everything I had to give.
Girl, why would you push me away, yeah?
Lost in confusion,
Like an illusion,
You know I'm used to making your day...
But that is the past now,
We didn't last now,
I guess that this is meant to be, yeah...
Tell me, was it worth it?
We were so perfect.
But, baby, I just want you to see...
There's nothing like us,
There's nothing like you and me,
Together through the storm.
There's nothing like us,
There's nothing like you and me,
Together, oh
There's nothing like us,
There's nothing like you and me,
Together through the storm.
There's nothing like us,
There's nothing like you and me,
Together, oh...
Okey nu är lektionerna för dagen över och jag väntar på broder & Co. För att åka mot Leos lekland :D är fett pepp på att leka runt med alla barnen ! Älskar att leka! Verkligen! Har en enkel tee och svarta leggings på mig ^^
Älskar dagen! Har fått fett många kramar av folk jag gillar! Vart lite busig mot Maja också (a)
Hehe, men vi hörs imorgon <3
27. A song that breaks your heart
Jag ber till Gud och jag tackar han för han gör så du orkar.
Och jag kan se hur själen din lider i tvivel försöker att upprätthålla det
vi har och i de livet du söker, och varje morgon vaknar du med rädsla
i magen, den rädslan för att inte ha mig kvar i slutet av dagen
så du ringer mig oavbrutet för du tycker min röst ger lite plåster
på såren men inte mycket till tröst
när jag är stressad i telefonen, helt ointresserad, av vad du har
att berätta och säger nog inte mera än att jag måste gå, hinner inte, har inte tid
och ger dig inga tecken på att jag vill ha dig kvar i mitt liv
men älskling lyssna nu och lita på mig, har aldrig velat släppa dig sen
första dagen jag såg dig, jo vi ska kämpa tillsammans för meningen
du är mitt allt så snälla låt mig se dig le igen
jag vill se dig le igen
jag vill se dig le igen
för jag ser gråten i din själ
som väntar på att brista ut
men snälla låt mig se dig le baby
åh jag älskar dig så mycket
ta min hand och lita på
att det ordnar sig
det finns ingen ursäkt för hur jag beter mig ibland
jag är så självisk jag vet det men älskling ge mig din hand
låt mig mej se dej le lite grann jag lovar och menar det här
har börjat förstå vad ja gör och vill inte leva så här
du förtjänar så mycket mer efter allt du gjort för mig
i vått och torrt när jag vart nere har du trott på mig
under alla nätter jag gråtit mig genom ångestattacker
och det kändes bättre då men en natt fick du ändå slå 112
och följde med mig in till akuten och väntat i timmar
du är värd hela världen för hur du kämpat i dimman
alltid stått vid min sida funnits där när jag behöver
men ändå glömmer jag bort det sedan när det går över
och sviker dej om igen och det är på mig det är fel men det finns
bara en och det är med dig jag blir hel
jag vill se dig le igen
jag vill se dig le igen
för jag ser gråten i din själ
som väntar på att brista ut
men snälla låt mig se dig le baby
åh jag älskar dig så mycket
ta min hand och lita på
att det ordnar sig
du måste tro vad jag säger nu
jag är ärlig jag vet jag kan bete mej som skit
det är förjävligt o det måste få ett slut
fort innan du bryter ihop jag vill försöka
förändra för jag har hört dina rop
som jag tidigare bara skitit i
och tystat ner då mina svar har varit
pallar inte lyssna mer
men baby du vet
ja du vet hur jag mår o du vet också vad jag gått igenom
nu under ett år
fram o tillbaka till psyket för att få prata ut
om att jag inte känt nån mening nu när allt snart är slut
men det börjar bli bättre nu och du är den att tacka
som fått mig upp på fötter igen för att tända facklan
det var därför jag aldrig rörde tabletterna som dom gav mig
jag visste jag kunde klara vad som helst bara jag har dig
så förlåt mig för all skit som du fått ta
kom ihåg så länge du älskar mig så är det du och jag
jag vill se dig le igen
jag vill se dig le igen
för jag ser gråten i din själ
som väntar på att brista ut
men snälla låt mig se dig le baby
åh jag älskar dig så mycket
ta min hand och lita på
att det ordnar sig (x2)
Nedräkningen har startat! '

26. A song that makes you want to fall in love
Sorry I don't take the time to feel the way I do
'Cause the first day you came into my life
My time ticks around you
But then I need your voice
As the key to unlock
All the love that's trapped in me
So tell me when it's time
To say I love you
All I want is you to understand
That when I take your hand
It's 'cause I want to
We are all born in a world of doubt
But there's no doubt
I figured out
I love you
All I want is you to understand
That when I take your hand
It's 'cause I want to
We are all born in a world of doubt
And there's no doubt
I figured out
I love you
And I feel lonely for
All the losers that will never take the time to say
What was really on their mind instead
They just hide away
Yet they'll never have
Someone like you to guard them
And help along the way
Or tell them when it's time to say, "I love you"
So tell me when it's time to say "I love you"
Looking at the moon outside
I'm on my way to school :) decided to write this post in English, even if my grammar sucks. Is it just me or are there always a few good looking guys on the bus no matter where you're going? And now a lot of you thinking That I have bad taste but no, I'm very picky!
However, it's Monday today (you don't say..) and a usual day in school. When all my classes are done I'm thinking about meeting up my cousin Alicia in the city and walk around for awhile but we'll see how I feel later.
25. A song by an artist no longer living
I would only be in your way
So I'll go but I know
I'll think of you every step of the way
And I... will always love you, ooh
I will always love you
My darling you
Bittersweet memories
That is all I'm taking with me
So good-bye
Please don't cry
We both know I'm not what you, you need
And I...
Will always love you
Will always love you
You, ooh
[Instrumental / Sax solo]
I hope life treats you kind
And I hope you have all you've dreamed of
And I wish you joy and happiness
But above all this I wish you love
And I...
Will always love you
Will always love you
I, I will always love
Darling I love you
I'll always
I'll always
24. A song by a band you wish were still togheter
He got joo-joo eyeball, he one holy roller
He got hair down to his knee
Got to be a joker he just do what he please
He wear no shoeshine, he got toe-jam football
He got monkey finger, he shoot coca-cola
He say "I know you, you know me"
One thing I can tell you is you got to be free
Come together right now over me
He bag production, he got walrus gumboot
He got Ono sideboard, he one spinal cracker
He got feet down below his knee
Hold you in his armchair you can feel his disease
Come together right now over me
Come, oh, come, come, come.)
He roller-coaster, he got early warning
He got muddy water, he one mojo filter
He say "One and one and one is three"
Got to be good-looking cos he's so hard to see
Come together right now over me
Come together
Yeah come together
Yeah come together
Yeah come together
Yeah come together
Yeah come together
Yeah come together
Yeah oh
Come together
Yeah come together
Jag och...

23. A song that you think everybody should listen to
‘Cause I don’t wanna fall in love
If I ever did that
I think I’d have a heart attack
Never put my love out on the line
Never said yes to the right guy
Never had trouble getting what I want
But when it comes to you, I’m never good enough
When I don’t care
I can play ‘em like a Ken doll
Won’t wash my hair
Then make 'em bounce like a basketball
But you make me wanna act like a girl
Paint my nails and wear high heels
Yes, you make me so nervous
That I just can’t hold your hand
You make me glow, but I cover up
Won’t let it show, so I’m
Puttin’ my defences up
'Cause I don’t wanna fall in love
If I ever did that
I think I’d have a heart attack [x3]
Never break a sweat for the other guys
When you come around, I get paralyzed
And every time I try to be myself
It comes out wrong like a cry for help
It's just not fair
Pain's more trouble than love is worth
I gasp for air
It feels so good, but you know it hurts
But you make me wanna act like a girl
Paint my nails and wear perfume
For you. Make me so nervous
That I just can’t hold your hand
You make me glow, but I cover up
Won’t let it show, so I’m
Puttin’ my defences up
'Cause I don’t wanna fall in love
If I ever did that
I think I’d have a heart attack [x3]
The feelings are lost in my lungs
They’re burning, I’d rather be numb
And there’s no one else to blame
So scared I take off in a run
I’m flying too close to the sun
And I burst into flames
You make me glow, but I cover up
Won’t let it show, so I’m
Puttin’ my defences up
‘Cause I don’t wanna fall in love
If I ever did that
I think I’d have a heart attack [x5]
Hur dem än försöker
Godmorgon :)
Sitter på bussen och dricker smoothie ur min nya "smartshake. "
Det är som en vanlig shaker fast i botten kan man skruva dit två lådor ^^ och i de lådorna ska jag förvara nötter :) i ett inlägg senare idag eller som tidsinställt i helgen så kommer jag visa vad jag köpt under veckan och lite tidigare ;)
Idag har jag det en aning stressigt men det klarar jag ! Bloggar när jag kan <3
22. A song that moves you forward
Sometimes I just can't shut the hell up
It's like I need to tell someone, anyone who'll listen
And that's where I seem to fuck up
Yeah, I forget about the consequences
For a minute there I lose my senses
And in the heat of the moment my mouth starts going
The words start flowing, oh
But I never meant to hurt you
I know it's time that I learned to
Treat the people I love like I wanna be loved
This is a lesson learned
I hate that I let you down
And I feel so bad about it
I guess karma comes back around
'Cause now I'm the one that's hurting, yeah
And I hate that I made you think
That the trust we had is broken
Don't tell me you can't forgive me
'Cause nobody's perfect
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, nobody's perfect, no
If I could turn back the hands of time
I swear I never would've crossed that line
I should of kept it between us
But, no, I went and told the whole world how I feel and oh
So I sit and I realize
With these tears falling from my eyes
I gotta change if I wanna keep you forever
I promise that I'm gonna try
But I never meant to hurt you
I know it's time that I learned to
Treat the people I love like I wanna be loved
This is a lesson learned
I hate that I let you down
And I feel so bad about it
I guess karma comes back around
'Cause now I'm the one that's hurting, yeah
And I hate that I made you think
That the trust we had is broken
So don't tell me you can't forgive me
'Cause nobody's perfect
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, nobody's perfect
I'm not a saint, no, not at all, but what I did, it wasn't cool
But I swear that I'll never do that again to you, oh
I'm not a saint, no, not at all, but what I did, it wasn't cool
But I swear that I'll never do that again to you, yeah
I hate that I let you down
And I feel so bad about it
I guess karma comes back around
'Cause now I'm the one that's hurting, yeah
And I hate that I made you think
That the trust we had is broken
So don't tell me you can't forgive me
'Cause nobody's perfect, no
I hate that I let you down
And I feel so bad about it
I guess karma comes back around
'Cause now I'm the one that's hurting, yeah
And I hate that I made you think
That the trust we had is broken
So tell me you can forgive me
'Cause nobody's perfect, yeah, yeah, whoa
Don't tell me, don't tell
Don't tell me you can't forgive me
No, no, no, no
'Cause nobody's perfect, no
Just fly, fly with me
Igår vart ju dagen lite för mycket. Hände egentligen inget speciellt utan vi pratade bara och det fick mig att riva upp lite gamla grejer vilket kanske inte var det bästa.
Kom hem från KU och hängde med bror, kusin och mamma framför TVn, fick en whisky/cola cocktail att smaka men tog mig en timme att få i mig ett halvt glas. Gott var det, kan inte säga något annat, men jag vet inte kändes inte bra.
Känns så himla skönt med sovmorgon på torsdagar just för att KU ligger kvällen innan <3 så nu ska jag ta och kliva upp, fixa mig i ordning och röra mig mot skolan. Inte alls sugen men jag måste... ._.
Jag skriver kanske under dagen men med tanke på mitt mående så tror jag inte det blir så mycket.

21. A favorite song with a persons name in the title
There's a lot of good that comes with celebrity you know that,
There is also a pretty white hot spotlight,
Of course,
And you've found yourself under it recently,
Some headlines,
Set the record straight none of it is true,
Do you know this woman?
Never met the woman
Alright well obviously this is what comes along with, uh,
Life in the fast lane as they say...
She says she met me on the tour
She keeps knocking on my door,
She won't leave me, leave me alone
This girl, she wouldn't stop,
Almost had to call the cops
She was scheming, ooh, she was wrong
'Cause she wanted all my attention
And she was dragging my name through the dirt, no
She was dying for my affection
But she got mad 'cause I didn't give it to her
I'm talking to you
Maria, why you wanna do me like that?
That ain't my baby, that ain't my girl
Maria, why you wanna play me like that?
She ain't my baby, she ain't my girl
But she talking in and she needs to quit it
'Cause I never hit it, so I know she's not mine
That ain't my baby, that ain't my girl
'Cause she's wildin out, what she talking about?
Let me tell you now this girl she's not mine
She ain't my baby, she ain't my girl
Now she's in the magazines,
On TV, making a scene
Oh she's crazy, crazy in love
And she's all over the news,
Saying everything but the truth
She's faking, faking it all
'Cause she wanted all my attention
And she was dragging my name through the dirt, no
She was dying for my affection
But she got mad 'cause I didn't give it to her
I'm talking to you
Maria, why you wanna do me like that?
That ain't my baby, that ain't my girl
Maria, why you wanna play me like that?
She ain't my baby, she ain't my girl
But she talking in and she needs to quit it
But never this, all I know she's not mine
That ain't my baby, that ain't my girl
'Cause she's wildin out, what she talking about?
Let me tell you now this girl she's not mine
She ain't my baby, she ain't my girl
Why are you trying, trying to lie, girl,
When I ain't never met you at all?
Saying goodbye, but how could ya?
You throw this, you throw this
Your foolish seduces
Maria, why you wanna do me like that?
That ain't my baby, that ain't my girl
Maria, why you wanna play me like that?
She ain't my baby, she ain't my girl
But she talking in and she needs to quit it
But never this, all I know she's not mine
That ain't my baby, that ain't my girl, no
'Cause she's wildin out, what she talking about?
Let me tell you now this girl she's not mine
She ain't my baby, she ain't my girl
That ain't my baby, that ain't my girl
She ain't my baby, she ain't my girl
She ain't my baby, she ain't my girl
She ain't my baby, she's not my girl
What happened to the reality
Godmorgon :)
Jag känner mig inte helt bra idag, både fysiskt och psykiskt... Och jag är ganska trött också men det är en annan femma! Ikväll är det KU och sen efter det åker jag väl bara hem och sover, var riktigt pepp på skolan igår för att det var kort dag så nu sitter jag och intalar mig att denna dag också är kort för att jag ska ha det bra :3 knäpp man kan vara!
Nu väntar dock en dubbellektion i matte vilket inte riktigt är lika pepp.
Jag bloggar helt enkelt när jag har tid :)<3
When you let her go
That's when you realize, she's the best thing you ever could have.
20. A song that has many meanings to you
You can be the best
You can be the King Kong banging on your chest
You could beat the world
You could beat the war
You could talk to God, go banging on his door
You can throw your hands up
You can beat the clock (yeah)
You can move a mountain
You can break rocks
You can be a master
Don't wait for luck
Dedicate yourself and you gon' find yourself
Standing in the hall of fame (yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)
'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame
You can go the distance
You can run the mile
You can walk straight through hell with a smile
You could be the hero
You could get the gold
Breaking all the records they thought never could be broke
Yeah, do it for your people
Do it for your pride
How you ever gonna know if you never even try?
Do it for your country
Do it for your name
'Cause there's gonna be a day...
When you're standing in the hall of fame (yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)
'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (yeah)
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame
Be a champion, be a champion, be a champion, be a champion
On the walls of the hall of fame
Be students
Be teachers
Be politicians
Be preachers
Be believers
Be leaders
Be astronauts
Be champions
Be truth seekers
Be students
Be teachers
Be politicians
Be preachers
Be believers
Be leaders
Be astronauts
Be champions
Standing in the hall of fame (yeah, yeah, yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (yeah, yeah, yeah)
'Cause you burn with the brightest flame (yeah, yeah, yeah)
And the world's gonna know your name (yeah, yeah, yeah)
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame
(You can be a champion)
You could be the greatest
(You can be a champion)
You can be the best
(You can be a champion)
You can be the King Kong banging on your chest
(You can be a champion)
You could beat the world
(You can be a champion)
You could beat the war
(You can be a champion)
You could talk to God, go banging on his door
(You can be a champion)
You can throw your hands up
(You can be a champion)
You can beat the clock
(You can be a champion)
You can move a mountain
(You can be a champion)
You can break rocks
(You can be a champion)
You can be a master
(You can be a champion)
Don't wait for luck
(You can be a champion)
Dedicate yourself and you gonna find yourself
(You can be a champion)
Standing in the hall of fame

19. A song that makes you think about life (08.04.2013)
But you're biting your tongue
You've spent a life time stuck in silence
Afraid you'll say something wrong
If no one ever hears it how we gonna learn your song?
So come on, come on
Come on, come on
You've got a heart as loud as lions
So why let your voice be tamed?
Baby we're a little different
There's no need to be ashamed
You've got the light to fight the shadows
So stop hiding it away
Come on, Come on
I wanna sing, I wanna shout
I wanna scream till the words dry out
So put it in all of the papers,
I'm not afraid
They can read all about it
Read all about it, oh
At night we're waking up the neighbours
While we sing away the blues
Making sure that we remember, yeah
Cause we all matter too
If the truth has been forbidden
Then we're breaking all the rules
So come on, come on
Come on, come on,
Let's get the TV and the radio
To play our tune again
It's 'bout time we got some airplay of our version of events
There's no need to be afraid
I will sing with you my friend
Come on, come on
I wanna sing, I wanna shout
I wanna scream till the words dry out
So put it in all of the papers,
I'm not afraid
They can read all about it
Read all about it, oh
Yeah, we're all wonderful, wonderful people
So when did we all get so fearful?
Now we're finally finding our voices
So take a chance, come help me sing this
Yeah, we're all wonderful, wonderful people
So when did we all get so fearful?
And now we're finally finding our voices
Just take a chance, come help me sing this
I wanna sing, I wanna shout
I wanna scream till the words dry out
So put it in all of the papers,
I'm not afraid
They can read all about it
Read all about it, oh
I wanna sing, I wanna shout
I wanna scream till the words dry out
So put it in all of the papers,
I'm not afraid
They can read all about it
Read all about it, oh
18. A song from the year you were born (07.04.2013)
Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria y cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo alegria, Macarena
Heeeeey Macarena
Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena
Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria y cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo alegria, Macarena
Heeeeey Macarena
Macarena tiene un novio que se llama
Que se llama de apellido Vitorino,
Que en la jura de bandera el muchacho
Se la dio con dos amigos
Macarena, Macarena, Macarena
Que le gusta los veranos de Marbella
Macarena, Macarena, Macarena
Que le gusta la movida guerrilera
Macarena sueña con El Corte Ingles
Que se compra los modelos mas modernos
Le gustaria vivir en Nueva York
Y ligar un novio nuevo
18. A song from the year you were born (07.04.2013)
Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria y cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo alegria, Macarena
Heeeeey Macarena
Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macarena
Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria y cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo alegria, Macarena
Heeeeey Macarena
Macarena tiene un novio que se llama
Que se llama de apellido Vitorino,
Que en la jura de bandera el muchacho
Se la dio con dos amigos
Macarena, Macarena, Macarena
Que le gusta los veranos de Marbella
Macarena, Macarena, Macarena
Que le gusta la movida guerrilera
Macarena sueña con El Corte Ingles
Que se compra los modelos mas modernos
Le gustaria vivir en Nueva York
Y ligar un novio nuevo
17. A song that you would a duett in karaoke (06.04.2013)
That's how much I love you
That's how much I need you
And I can't stand you
Must everything you do make me wanna smile
Can I not like you for awhile? (No....)
But you won't let me
You upset me girl
And then you kiss my lips
All of a sudden I forget (that I was upset)
Can't remember what you did
But I hate it...
You know exactly what to do
So that I can't stay mad at you
For too long that's wrong
But I hate it...
You know exactly how to touch
So that I don't want to fuss.. and fight no more
Said I despise that I adore you
And I hate how much I love you boy (yeah...)
I can't stand how much I need you (I need you...)
And I hate how much I love you boy (oh whoa..)
But I just can't let you go
And I hate that I love you so (oh..)
You completely know the power that you have
The only one makes me laugh
Said it's not fair
How you take advantage of the fact
That I... love you beyond the reason why
And it just ain't right
And I hate how much I love you girl
I can't stand how much I need you (yeah..)
And I hate how much I love you girl
But I just can't let you go
But I hate that I love you so
One of these days maybe your magic won't affect me
And your kiss won't make me weak
But no one in this world knows me the way you know me
So you'll probably always have a spell on me...
Yeah... Oh...
That's how much I love you (as much as I need you)
That's how much I need you (oh..)
That's how much I love you (oh..)
As much as I need you
And I hate that I love you so
And I hate how much I love you boy
I can't stand how much I need you (can't stand how much I need you)
And I hate how much I love you boy
But I just can't let you go (but I just can't let you go no..)
And I hate that I love you so
And I hate that I love you so.. so...
9 april
Bloggar faktiskt någongång hemma ! Innan jag tar bussen dvs!
Sitter och kollar på någon barnfilm medan Alicia flätar mitt hår :) idag börjar jag dagen med ett prov, matte! Jag orkar inte om jag ska vara ärlig. Inte pluggat något, hade helt enkelt inte ork. Efter att ha gått upp omkring 11-12 varje dag i mer än en vecka så är det inte så lätt att gå upp vid 7-8 :/
Nu måste jag tagga men hörs <3
She's not afraid !

Welcome to The new age
Godmorgon :)
Sitter just nu i bilen påväg in till stan med Dimitra, vi ska kolla på Kikis innebandymatch innan vi drar till Järlåsa för KU läger ^^
Alltså kommer jag ha dålig mottagning igen och inte kommer kunna blogga, och eftersom jag inte har datorn med så kan jag inte lägga ut låtarna, så ni får de imorgon kväll.
Vi hörs någon gång <3
16. One of your favorite classical songs
Grattis Isabella på födelsedagen ♥

15. A song that is a cover by another artist
And all the harm that e'er I've done
Alas it was to none but me
And all I've done for want of wit
To memory now I can't recall
So fill to me the parting glass
Good night and joy be with you all
Of all the comrades that e'er I had
They are sorry for my going away
And all the sweethearts that e'er I had
They would wish me one more day to stay
But since it falls unto my lord
That I should rise and you should not
I'll gently rise and I'll softly call
Good night and joy be with you all
A man may drink and not be drunk
A man may fight and not be slain
A man may court a pretty girl
And perhaps be welcomed back again
But since it has so ordered been
By a time to rise and a time to fall
Come fill to me the parting glass
Goodnight and joy be with you all
Goodnight and joy be with you all
When you kiss me it gets her mad

14. A song that you would loved to be played at your wedding
We're looking for something dumb to do.
Hey baby,
I think I wanna marry you.
Is it the look in your eyes,
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares baby,
I think I wanna marry you.
Well I know this little chapel on the boulevard we can go oh oh oh,
No one will know oh oh oh,
Oh, come on, girl.
Who cares if we're trashed got a pocket full of cash we can blow oh oh oh,
Shots of patron,
And it's on, girl.
Don't say no, no, no, no-no;
Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah;
And we'll go, go, go, go-go.
If you're ready, like I'm ready.
Cause it's a beautiful night,
We're looking for something dumb to do.
Hey baby,
I think I wanna marry you.
Is it the look in your eyes,
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares baby,
I think I wanna marry you.
I'll go get a ring let the choir bells sing like oooh,
So what you wanna do?
Let's just run girl.
If we wake up and you wanna break up that's cool.
No, I won't blame you;
It was fun, girl.
Don't say no, no, no, no-no;
Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah;
And we'll go, go, go, go-go.
If you're ready, like I'm ready.
Cause it's a beautiful night,
We're looking for something dumb to do.
Hey baby,
I think I wanna marry you.
Is it the look in your eyes,
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares baby,
I think I wanna marry you.
Just say I doooooo-ooo uhu,
Tell me right now baby,
Tell me right now baby, baby.
Oh, it's a beautiful night,
We're looking for something dumb to do.
Hey baby,
I think I wanna marry you.
Is it the look in your eyes,
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares baby,
I think I wanna marry you.
The moment to fight !
Sitter i la bathtub, har ganska så tråkigt atm men ska snart sätta igång lite musik och måla los naglar :) sen blir det att välja kläder till ikväll och fixa sig då jag ska på date ^^ ohlala tänker ni, DIMITRA tänker jag :) vi tänkte ha en BFF day: dra ut en sväng på stan, käka, gå på bio och sleepover :)
Kallt vatten är fett skönt att bada i btw... Gör det just exakt nu men ska fylla med varmt så ja inte blir sjukelisjuk igen :3
Det är 19 dagar kvar tills jag träffar pojkvännen och Bella, längtar ! Okej LOL, pojkvän är han inte än men man vet aldrig ;) #dreambig #hashtagarienbloggförattjagonteharnågotvettigtförmigYOLO
13. One of your favourite 80's song
I Said Don't Mind, But What Do You Mean I Am The One
Who Will Dance On The Floor In The Round
She Said I Am The One Who Will Dance On The Floor In The Round
She Told Me Her Name Was Billie Jean, As She Caused A Scene
Then Every Head Turned With Eyes That Dreamed Of Being The One
Who Will Dance On The Floor In The Round
People Always Told Me Be Careful Of What You Do
And Don't Go Around Breaking Young Girls' Hearts
And Mother Always Told Me Be Careful Of Who You Love
And Be Careful Of What You Do 'Cause The Lie Becomes The Truth
Billie Jean Is Not My Lover
She's Just A Girl Who Claims That I Am The One
But The Kid Is Not My Son
She Says I Am The One, But The Kid Is Not My Son
For Forty Days And Forty Nights
The Law was on her Side
But Who Can Stand When She's In Demand
Her Schemes And Plans
'Cause We Danced On The Floor In The Round
So Take My Strong Advice, Just Remember To Always Think Twice
Do think Twice
She Told My Baby We'd Danced 'Till Three
Then She Looked At Me
She Showed A Photo Of A Baby Crying
His Eyes Looked Like Mine
Go On Dance On The Floor In The Round, Baby
People Always Told Me Be Careful Of What You Do
And Don't Go Around Breaking Young Girls' Hearts
She Came And Stood Right By Me
Then The Smell Of Sweet Perfume
This Happened Much Too Soon
She Called Me To Her Room
Billie Jean Is Not My Lover
She's Just A Girl Who Claims That I Am The One
But The Kid Is Not My Son
Billie Jean Is Not My Lover
She's Just A Girl Who Claims That I Am The One
But The Kid Is Not My Son
She Says I Am The One, But The Kid Is Not My Son
She Says I Am The One, But The Kid Is Not My Son
Billie Jean Is Not My Lover
She's Just A Girl Who Claims That I Am The One
But The Kid Is Not My Son
She Says I Am The One, But The Kid Is Not My Son
She Says I Am The One, She Says He Is My Son
She Says I Am The One
Billie Jean Is Not My Lover
Billie Jean Is Not My Lover
Billie Jean Is Not My Lover
Billie Jean Is Not My Lover
Billie Jean Is Not My Lover
Billie Jean Is Not My Lover
Gästbloggning på G

12. A song from your preteen years
Hi Ken!
Do you wanna go for a ride?
Sure Ken!
Jump In...
I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation
I'm a blond bimbo girl, in the fantasy world
Dress me up, make it tight, I'm your dolly
You're my doll, rock'n'roll, feel the glamour in pink,
kiss me here, touch me there, hanky panky...
You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours"
I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Make me walk, make me talk, do whatever you please
I can act like a star, I can beg on my knees
Come jump in, bimbo friend, let us do it again,
hit the town, fool around, let's go party
You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours"
You can touch, you can play, if you say: "I'm always yours"
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation
I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Come on Barbie, let's go party!
Oh, I'm having so much fun!
Well Barbie, we're just getting started
Oh, I love you Ken!
You better wake up
Hej alla därute :)
Sitter just nu och blir klippt av min söta kusin, hon älskar att ta hand om hår och naglar vilket bara är ett plus för mig :3
Tidigare var jag på gränby och såg Yohio med Dimitra c: är inte ett fan av honom men ser inget fel med hans musik, dessutom är han ju söt c:
Käkade på Burger king med mamma, Alicia och Makar sen promenerade vi hem i vårsolen, riktigt skönt!
Vet inte om det blir sådär jättelång skillnad på håret men om det blir så fotar jag väl det <3